Lele Loves: How To Wear What You Want: Bodyshapes

I’m gunna tell you what I posted in my description box (on my YT)…just below the video. But enjoy watching my ramblings!

*OK! I went right off the track of this video, I wanted to tell you what you could wear such as A-line skirts and low necklines BUT instead I’m kinda sorta giving you advice (I confused myself! Sorry I ramble!) but I hope you get something from what I’m saying.

*****Long video short, make your waist defined and balance out the rest! TAH BLOODY DAH!******

If you like the idea of a Lookbook sorta thing where I present you with seasonal/themed clothing targeting your shape (i.e. workwear) please tell me in the comments below!
You wanna do a fashion DIY of something but don’t know how? You know what to do!


So how I see it is that I can only get better right?

Happy Viewing!

2 thoughts on “Lele Loves: How To Wear What You Want: Bodyshapes

  1. clotheyourcurves says:

    I think all body shapes are great. There are no perfect body shapes. The myth that you have to be an hour glass shape to reach perfection is what many #psbloggers are fighting to challenge. Dressing for your shape should be dressing for your YOU! Some of my favorite hashtags ring true to this such as #effyourbeautystandards, #Iwearwhatiwant, #honormycurves! Break free from what society deems as flattering.

    • lele says:

      Ya’know what? Amen to that! That post was a guideline for those women who want to dress according to natural shape and so I offer my take on it. I personally do NOT follow the sizing guide because life is far too short to have rules for expressing ones self though clothing just to please others eyes. Although I may not follow my own guides I must be fair and offer both ideas. Loving the hashtags tho haha. Thanks for the comment hunni @clotheyourcurves xox

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